Prepare your messages.

Load your content.

Reach your customers.
M'Pact: more dynamic and targeted
Digital signage helps you be both proactive and reactive in your communications and easily combine promotions, entertainment and information to maximize the footprint of your messages.
Its prime benefit is the ability to effectively update and adapt messages based on your audience and context. Combined with interactivity, this solution expands opportunities tenfold for two-way communication, enhancing your brand image through a distinctive, modern customer experience.
Essentially, digital signage is used in place of traditional systems such as static displays, tracts, information panels and signage. It makes content dynamic to achieve greater impact. By using a screen linked to an M'Pact controller, you can change content quickly and remotely, to communicate with customers or employees in a modern, targeted and direct way.
Combined with an M'Pact controller, M’Pact software services are available in SAAS mode (software as a service). There is no need to invest in the purchase of software, server architecture or IT resources: M’Pact provides this expertise at a very low monthly cost.
In SAAS mode, monthly service also includes:
• M'Pact support centre;
• remote monitoring service.
- Split screen and design to your graphic standards
- Dynamic data
- Personalized standalone production templates
- Personalized content production
- Development of interactive solutions
- Content service:
- RSS news
- RDI clips
- Weather reports
- M'Pact controllers
- Screens
- Video distribution
- Tablets